Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Final Blog

Well everyone, it's here. The summer break. I'm always both relieved and saddened by this finale. I'm relieved because it means I have another one under my belt. That this is yet another tally mark saying that I've put more distance between myself now and my past-life of, well, I didn't like myself very much we'll say, and every mark makes me want to go harder and do better in my college experience. I'm like an exercise junkie with a runner's high.

Of course we will be here again, but we'll be different, we'll be ready to see what we are currently missing. We'll never be exactly the same and here again.

I loved all the presentations. As it is with every Sexson class the end of the semester is full of amazing presentations from engaged people. You all rock and you should pat yourselves on the back! The two presentations that really captivated me were the stories by the Sarah's. I love a good story and those were both phenomenal! The runners up would have to be Zach, Brianne and Lisa. Zach, I love your music, it's always a treat to see your final presentation. Hope you're in Mythologies next semester! Brianne and Lisa, you two put yourselves out of your comfort zones and I really respect that! Your presentations were a lot of fun!

I've done this three times now, having this bittersweet ending to a semester because of the experiences in Dr. Sexson's class. I have come to love you all and to feel that we're a sort of family, or therapy group, or kool-aid cult. However you slice it, I will miss you all as you go on to do whatever your lives take you on to do. Just remember, someday we may meet again and have forgotten each other; after some conversation we'll see recognize something and it will dawn on us; "Oh, you were in his class too!"

So, just because this third time around I finally did it. I read every single blog posted this semester. The blogs that really hit me as insightful were Christina's, Bizz's, and Jon Orsi's. without you three I'm sure I would not have gotten anywhere clost to the scale of understanding that I did. I related to Orsi's blog very well, sometimes it was like he was posting blogs that I would have written before I had a chance to think them up. Bizz's blog was insightful and extremely helpful for connecting pieces together. Christina, your connections and intellect are stunning. I think that out of the blogs, yours would be considered the closest to high brow, hopefully a compliment at this point. Of course everyone had individual blogs that moved me but those three were the ones that I really looked forward to reading and sinking my teeth into.

Well... I suppose that wraps it up. As usual I always feel like I should have done more, but at this point, I couldn't have. Maybe next time.


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