Emerald Tablet
Anima mundi (spirit)
Shirt of NessusEreshkigal
Rose in Alchemy
Wallace Stevens - The Idea of Order at Key West
and the image of David Bowie in The Man Who Fell to Earth
03.29.2010 11:01:34 AM
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I am also going to post here, while my smartpen uploads, that the blog that truly acted as my stimuli, stimulus, and stimulation was Jon Orsi's. It seemed that at very specific times throughout the semester when I was reaching a sort of mental burnout or idle, seeing as how so many things are cyclical, life and death, high and low brow, and now over-stimulation and idleness both causing a sort of pause in the mental workings, Jon Orsi's blog would slap me in the face, make me laugh out loud and absolutely kick start the cogs in my head. I would have to blog, there just weren't any other options. Of course, there aren't any other options, because the past is the past, but it is present, and foreseeable in the future as well.
Now to work on a paper thesis, we've covered so much that I'm actually having troubles coming up with anything, or maybe it's that I can't remember what it was like, what I was like, at the beginning of the semester. Either way I can't seem to focus in again. Jon? Any blogs of brilliance to set me on my way? Anyone else?
And a Post Script.
Thanks for the endorsement Christina! It's nice to hear that you enjoy what we're doing! If any of you were wondering why Dr. Sexson addressed this quote so pointedly to me, it's because I am interviewing for the McNair Scholarship on Wednesday and am pitching what we do in the classroom as my research project for the scholarship.
And a Post Post Script.
Congratulations Erin! I never thought two people in the class would make it through Finnegans Wake! And thanks for finding me, it was scary being lost down the rabbit hole of all those pages!
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